Santana is a child who was living with her parents in extreme poverty.
Her mother asked us to take her and her sister Nenette, in order for us to provide a better quality of life for them. Santana is a special needs child.  She has a chronic condition with a prolapsed bowel which requires a special diet and medication to prevent surgery.  Her sister had the same problem and outgrew it by the time she was about 8 years old.  Santana has been at the Future Of Haiti Orphanage since January 13, 2013 and is attending kindergarten at our humanitarian school.

Santana est un enfant en situation difficile, elle vivait avec ses parents, vu les difficultés économiques ces derniers a dû la confier à l’orphelinat LE FUTUR D’HAITI pour qu’elle puisse avoir une meilleure condition de vie. Elle est avec nous depuis le 13 Janvier 2013.