It is very easy to fall in love with Adeline from the moment you meet this amazingly smart and energetic 3rd grader, who is not afraid to dream big. Despite the very poor economic conditions in which she grew up, Adeline is a very dedicated student who is not intimidated by hard work and will stop at nothing to achieve her dream of becoming a lawyer. She is currently enrolled in our humanitarian school (see Facebook page) “Institution Humanitaire Theta,” working towards making this dream a reality. When asked why she wants to become a lawyer, she simply says she wants to protect the rights of her fellow students and create opportunities for a better Haiti. Adeline is the daughter of Philippe and Bertude. She was born on April 12th, 2002 in Baunet. Because of very dire circumstances, her father made the decision to put her in the Future of Haiti Orphanage in order for his daughter to have the chance to live in a decent environment and receive proper education.
Sponsor Adeline today and make a difference. You will be able to trace the joy, the ups and downs, and to feel the pride of seeing Adeline on her graduation day.
Adeline S est l’œuvre de Philippe et de Bertude , elle a vu le jour le 12 avril 2002 à Bainet . C’est un enfant en situation difficile, elle vivait avec ses parents , vu les difficultés économiques, son père a dû la confier à l’orphelinat LE FUTUR D’HAITI pour qu’elle puisse avoir une meilleure condition de vie. Elle est avec nous a l’orphelinat depuis le 23 decembre 2012. Elle est maintenant en 3ème Année kindergarten à l’Institution Humanitaire Thêta.Adeline de son surnom Kentha rêve de devenir avocate.