Emmanuel commonly known as “Manna’ was born on June 17th, 2004 at Croix des Missions. He is the son of Manouchca and Fredo. Abandoned at an early age by his father forced his mother to find support. We opened our doors to welcome him and his little sister Fedjina on April 18, 2013. Now he can attend his 5th grade at IHT and build himself into the Interpreter he is dreaming of becoming.
Emmanuel de son surnom Manno est né le 17 Juin 2004 à Croix des Missions. il est le fils de Manouchca et de Fredo. Son père l’a abandonné, faute de moyens, sa mère le confie à l’orphelinat THE FUTURE OF HAITI dépuis le 18 Avril 2013. Il est maintenant en 3ème Année Fondamentale à l’Institution Humanitaire thêta et il rêve de devenir interprete.